Tuesday, December 18, 2007

[TND] 12.18 Balsamic Garlic Pork Loin

I adapted a Rachel Ray recipe for pork tenderloin. Hers had the tenderloins rubbed with balsamic vinegar and then crushed garlic in slits. I used roasted garlic instead, and because I didn't want to leave the house, didn't put fresh thyme and rosemary on it. I used a bit more balsamic vinegar, and then made a glaze from more vinegar, a bit of butter, and the drippings from the pan I roasted the pork in.

I paired it with some roasted potatoes and some salad (with a balsamic vinegarette). I'd like to do something a bit more herbal with the potatoes, I think it would tie together a bit better.

I made some dessert too, an experiment I've been meaning to try for a few weeks now. It's an upside down apple caramel tart. We had some issues making the caramel, as I had a drastically smaller cooking time then was actually required. Gotta let it sit for a long while, until it reduces and then finally caramelizes. We let it go a little too long, and so the final product tasted a bit burnt. I think the second cooking means you can err on the side of not as caramelized. You take peeled apples, slice it in half, then split one of the halves into thirds. A bit of caramel in the bottom of a ramekin, then the half apple, then arrange the thirds on top of it to make a flat area. Add more caramel, and top with puff pastry. I need a better way to cut the puff pastry, it ended up kind of ragged and uneven and not quite the right shape. I also need deeper ramekins. Or smaller apples. But really, I think deeper ramekins is the way to go. Also, it really, really needs vanilla ice cream.

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