Friday, August 31, 2007

pizza for dessert

This evening a bunch of us went over to Carissa and Julian's house for dinner tonight. Our local supermarket chain makes some surprisingly decent pizza dough, and they had a ton. One of the tentative ideas was to make chocolate pizzas.

I'm not a big chocolate qua chocolate fan, so my first thoughts were to add peanut butter, and since there was one right in front of me, bananas. We rolled out a small test pizza and just spread a bit of peanut butter and sprinkled it with chocolate shavings. It was too thick, but still tasty. I am doomed to never be a chocolatier or pastry chef, as my hands are far too warm. It melts. A lot. Which makes it very hard to work with.

We made a larger version, layered peanut butter, bananas, and milk chocolate shavings. It was pretty amazing. We're now trying a goat cheese, strawberry slices, topped with dark chocolate. It was good, but the chocolate was much darker than I anticipated, so we're trying a refinement. I'm thinking about pears now, mostly 'cause they're sitting on the counter, and they'd be delicious.

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