Wednesday, March 5, 2008

[TND] 1.22 Meatloaf

Meatloaf is one of those things where every time I make it, I use a different recipe. I'm never satisfied with the results, so I seek out a new approach every time I do it. This time wasn't too much different. I modified a recipe that called for mushrooms, since my sister won't eat them (and then she didn't show up!). It was pretty standard, three meats, except I also added leeks in place of the onions. I think it had balsamic vinegar and was wrapped in bacon. I also made a basic cream gravy (with bacon) to go on the meatloaf and the whipped potatoes I made. There may have also been some sort of vegetable, but I forget which. Possibly just salad.

Overall, it ended up a little dryer then I would have liked. So we're still looking, though the leeks are probably here to stay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too have not found a traditional meatloaf recipe that I like. I highly recomend this italian style one though. And they ain't kidding when they say it serves 8.