Tuesday, March 11, 2008

[TND] 3.4 Burgers, Oven Fries, Roasted Veggies and Cocunut Pudding

Oh, and crab cakes. Or "laborcakes", as those actually making them came to call them. They were quite tasty, so it was definitely worth the extra effort on someone else's part. The recipe was one of Emeril's, but we pretty much modified it to things we had access to and eliminated steps that we didn't feel like doing. We used my new pan on the new stove, and it was magical. I need to deep fry more things, I think.

There's not much to say about burgers. Good meat, seasoned aggressively with kosher salt and nothing else, not over-handled, and they will be fantastic. I heard a suggestion for Cuban burgers involving ground chorizo and the typical cuban sandwich fixings, we may be seeing those sometime in the near future.

I grilled asparagus, but also some radicchio. It was very interesting, I'll definitely be playing with it some more in the future.

Finally, I made a very simple coconut pudding from Bon Appetit. It was quite delicious and could very easily sustain some heartier spices, like cardamom. My mom got me some vanilla suspension, which seems to be the inside of vanilla beans suspended in some sort of syrup, and it's basically like having vanilla beans you can use with a teaspoon. I predict creme brulee in the future.

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